The fungi-based pro
LoCylia™ for our B2B partners!
Our planet provides us with this amazing method to create a complete protein source for both animals and humans, and the best part? No environmental headaches like traditional farming.
Meet fermentation, the underappreciated hero of the protein world. Fungi-based fermented foods like Tempeh and Soy sauce have been savored globally for generations. With our patented technology, we're unleashing its full potential. Through innovation, we're making fermentation a front-runner among the most eco-friendly and sustainable ways to produce protein today.
How we work:
1. Discover
After a long research, one final strain was selected among the 5.1 million existing fungi species. We now grow food from a EU approved filamentous fungi strain.
2. Ferment
Leveraging Submerged Fermentation, our technology transforms few ingredients into high-quality protein—scalable and resource-efficient.
3. LoCylia®
From fermentation tanks, we use simple steps to convert active fungal biomass into LoCylia®, treating it for a safe, high-quality protein ingredient.
4. Your turn!
Now, your turn to use our LoCylia™ protein ingredient in your feed & food formulations.
LoCylia® vs beef
90% less water
LoCylia® conserves water, using 10x less than beef and poultry. With only 1.2% of Earth's freshwater drinkable and 70% wasted in food production, LoCylia® offers a sustainable approach without flooding land.
95% less GHG
Inspired by nature, our fermentation process minimizes CO2 and eliminates CH4. Tailored for urban living, our technology reduces food transportation emissions and costs at the source.
99% less land
As the global population heads to 10 billion by 2050, sustainable production is crucial. Currently, 50% of habitable land is used for food production. It's time for a sustainable change.
LoCylia™ is also a highly performant protein.
Complete Protein
Contains all the essential amino acids. Fostering a better growth and building of the different proteins.
Contains the right content of essential amino acids, leading to a good digestibility of the protein.
Faster Absorption
Mycelial fermentation fosters the breaking down of of protein for your body to absord. It allows a faster protein absorption compared to unfermented beans and peas.
Superior Texture
The morphology of LoCylia allows you to create world class products, whilde adapting to all sorts of texture.
High Satiety
The metabolisms of the fungi and their nutritive properties have the property to give a quick full nutrition satisfaction, leading to a better control of body weights.
Allergen friendly
LoCylia is animal-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free and, additionally, does not contain any of the other top allergens that represent more than 90% of the total food related allergies.
Try LoCylia® in your formulations !
We are happy to send you a sample to try it in your formulations.