
A protein ingredient for fishes, pets, and humans

Our planet provides us with this amazing method to create a complete protein source for both animals and humans, and the best part? No environmental headaches like traditional farming. 

Meet fermentation, the underappreciated hero of the protein world. Fungi-based fermented foods like Tempeh and Soy sauce have been savored globally for generations. With our patented technology, we're unleashing its full potential. Through innovation, we're making fermentation a front-runner among the most eco-friendly and sustainable ways to produce protein today.  

LoCylia™ AQ

Did you know fishes are fed fishmeal? It is mostly made out of fish bones and fish oil. This can't be sustainable for the aquaculture. 

​We are here to make sure to supply a better protein with the complete nutritive requirements profile for fish farming, leading to highly reduced Green House Gaz emissions and healthier food production.  

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LoCylia™ PF

Before processing the Pet Food, the same type of proteins are used as in fish feed and blended with other legumes, beans, and flavors. There is a very little amount of complete protein products, making digestibility rough for our pets. This emphasizes the significance of providing our little friends with the most comprehensive protein. It ensures they enjoy well-textured and suitable food, promoting better growth compared to lower-quality proteins. Most importantly, our strength lies in making it effortlessly digestible for them.

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 LoCylia™ FD

Globally, we consumed around 350 Million tons of protein in 2020 with a small share of 15 Million tons of alternative protein. With a growing population (10 billion by 2050 predicted by the United Nations), we expect this consumption to significantly grow. However, the use of alternative protein remains disproportionately low, necessitating urgent action. While plant-based alternatives like minced meat have made strides, they fall short in replicating the texture, flavors, and overall experience of traditional meat.  

With Locylia®FD, we guarantee you a superior digestibility, improved weight control, enhanced protein intake, and an unparalleled gastronomic journey. What's more, our innovative technology contributes to saving up to 4,000 cows every day.

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